
Home Care

Home care is the comprehensive medical follow-up of patients in situations where it is difficult to move outside their home or people who choose the comfort of their own home, to receive care, without going to the office. The services offered are aimed at providing health promotion, prevention and rehabilitation in your home alongside your family members. For what you want, we will work together to find the best way to get there.


Geriatrics is the branch of medicine in charge of studying and treating diseases and conditions that are directly related to aging.
Geriatrics deals with conditions that traditionally plague the elderly, such as falls, lack of balance, difficulties in making movements, memory problems, different types of dementia, urinary incontinence and osteoporosis, but also conditions that can be found in all ages, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and even depression.
It is concerned with all aspects of the health of the elderly, according to the particularities of the aging process. While the vast majority of medical specialties are dedicated to an organ or system, geriatrics is dedicated to the individual as a whole.

General clinic

Clinical Medicine is the specialty of Medicine focused on the diagnosis and clinical treatment of pathologies in adults. The physician in this specialty is responsible for evaluating the patient completely and is able to resolve most illnesses, in addition to managing the patient's care, indicating the appropriate specialist, if necessary.

Geriatric Physiotherapy

Geriatric Physiotherapy can contribute to healthy aging, helping to improve cardiovascular, pulmonary, muscle, bone, joint and cognitive capacity.
Its main objective is to maintain or regain independence in activities of daily living and the autonomy of the elderly. The sessions are based on highly challenging exercises for the elderly, encouraging static and dynamic balance. Various sensory systems are stimulated through balance and gait training on unstable terrain and different surfaces and slopes. To ensure the safety of elderly people who are already at risk of falling, weight suspension devices can be used.
The practice of a selected exercise program, structured by a specialized physiotherapist, is capable of maximizing maximum functionality, promoting the independence and autonomy of the elderly.

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